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PMI is proud to announce that the Program Management Professional (PgMPSM) Credential will be made available to the public as of 1 October 2007! With project managementR17;s growing implementation around the world and across industries, PMI continues its leadership in credentialing by launching PgMP for the community of program managers. 


Two years in the making, the credential is now fully tested and has met PMIR17;s strenuous acceptance criteria to take its rightful place in PMIR17;s family of credentials. The PgMP will become a market-recognized professional credential from the worldR17;s largest project management organization through which candidates can demonstrate their experience, knowledge and performance as a program manager.



Escritório de Gerenciamento de Projetos na Gestão Pública do Governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.
Blogs de Valor Para o Gerenciamento de Projetos
Versão Final do Estudo de Benchmarking em GP 2009 do PMI já está disponível
Lançamento oficial do Livro Spider Project - trabalho voluntário
A nova certificação do PMI - Program Management Professional (PgMP)
2010 PMI Component Charter Renewal Application Approved
Lista de Voluntários Ativos do Grupo Estratégico de Educação do PMI-RIO
Mensagem de Despedida do Greg Balestrero
PMI lanca a Central de Carreiras
Copyright PMIRIO - Informações e Sugestões contate: pmirio@pmirio.org.br